
行業 : 資訊科技行 , 二手車平台APP

GoGoCar高卡二手車手機Apps提供二手車即時發佈,為客戶提供二手汽車及電單車出售資訊,2018年8月創立於澳門,是澳門首個運用Apps連接買家和車主的汽車交易平臺。 使用者可以通過手機Apps,即時尋找合適的汽車或電單車, 同時亦提供即時考車入稟及委托驗車服務。已與大豐銀行/銀聯及微信引入最新安全支付技術!

GoGoCar used car is a mobile phone apps to provide real-time second-hand cars to pay the release of the company to provide customers with second-hand vehicles and motorcycles sales information, founded in May 2018 in Macau, Macao is the first use of apps to connect buyers and owners of the car trading platform.Users can apps through the mobile phone, real-time search for the right car or motor cycle, but also to provide real-time registration test car and booking agent inspection services

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